Brand Name: AmsA Apparel (in progress)
[uhm-sa] Noun:
Definition: a brand created by a South Korean American designer, Jennifer Lee, inspired from the korean term "ahm-saja" meaning lioness, defining empowerment, strength, and power.
Used: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Sewing
Sentence: AmsA symbolizes "Family of Strength"
Opportunity Statement:
How does a variety of sportswear encourage self-confidence to participate in sports?
What is the cause of body dissatisfaction from women as it relates to sports?
Where is the motivation to reach outside of a woman's comfort zone?
What are the positive strategies being used to advertise women in sports?
Mission and Values:
All girls and women have equitable access to physical activity and sport. We hope to educate women and the general public that they have limitless capabilities and achievements on the same field as men in sports.
We want females to reach their potential in sports.
With collective action of selling a clothing line and an interactive digital platform, we can harness this momentum of gender equity by raising awareness into lasting impact.
We provide financial fuel to aspiring female athletes.
We help build a community to get females active and fight for equity.
Research Insights
One of the things that stood out to me was the marathon event that happens annually in San Francisco. In 2019, the San Francisco Nike Women's Marathon ran with a Tiffany necklace at the end. It was one of the most popular half marathons in all of California. Thirty thousand women come together in San Francisco to run the miles between them and their medals. You get your hair and makeup done for free for this marathon. Because San Francisco is a city where a lot of people come together to do either a half marathon or a full marathon, I felt the color palette of the annual Marathon in San Francisco would belong with AmsA.
Not only the protests to embrace female empowerment, but the annual marathon events, told the story of what AmsA should stand for. The color of energy and inspiration.
Initial Sketches
What if sleeves and the torso parts can be interchanged based on different size/volume?
Rough Prototype
I bought two jackets from a thrift store. I detached the arm sleeves from the rest of the body of the jackets. I mismatched and stitched them together. The purpose of this prototype was to determine if different sizing of the sleeve and torso can work well together.
Tracing Pattern in Illustrator
Build - From - Scratch Process Photos
I cut out the remaining sleeves to create a tracing pattern on a nylon material.
I measured three inches in order to create a slit to add polyester fibers.
Polyester fibers are used to stuff the puffer jacket sleeves
Puffer Sleeve Sample Made from Scratch
Zippered torso part of the jacket that can be removable.
Shrug top half of jacket (with the sleeves)
Velcro was added to piece the two parts together in order to interchange sizes or remove the pieces apart
Shrug top half of jacket (without the sleeves)
Both parts piecing together...
Completed jacket worn